NASA Kurzfilmwettbewerb

NASA (yes, that NASA) and the Houston Cinema Arts Society have teamed up to organize a contest that is pretty out of this world. The short film competition, CineSpace, offers filmmakers around the world a chance to share their works inspired by—and created with—actual NASA imagery. That gives you quite a bit to work with— 50 years’ worth of universe exploration, to be precise.

Not that you’ll even need that much footage; submissions are only required to feature at least 10% of NASA video imagery. The imagery may be obtained through the NASA Image Archives or other publicly available means, such as YouTube.


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fubar call for Glitchart

Open call for glitch art aimed at any and all who make stuff by breaking stuff. We will materialize your digital randomness into hardcopied objects, screen your videos, click your net art and run your sound installations through air. Any digital media and any glitch technique will be considered, as long as they are presentable in the form of a digital print, sound installation, a website, or a video projection.

Open call for glitch art aimed at any and all who make stuff by breaking stuff. We will materialize your digital randomness into hardcopied objects, screen your videos, click your net art and run your sound installations through air. Any digital media and any glitch technique will be considered, as long as they are presentable in the form of a digital print, sound installation, a website, or a video projection.
So what are you waiting for? Go through those folders and SUBMIT! Submissions are open from June 18th till September 1st 2016.


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